Friday, January 28, 2011

Stylists are da bomb

I read a lot of blogs (A LOT!) This morning during my daily grumpy wake up routine... 
(Frowning at my cell phone that consistently chirps reminding me I've way overslept, reheating the coffee my husband so kindly made for me when I should have woken up, burning my bagel, and catching up on my favorite blogs) 
...I came across this post by That'sChic and had an "Oh I love stylists" moment. 

My favorite part about these two outfits, is that if you look how they styled each piece individually, most people would never put them all together. I'm not exactly sure who gets credit for the styling in this shoot. Jacqueline Rose the designer? Rachel the blogger? Threadsence the website? Some other mysterious behind the scenes stylist? Maybe a combo of them all! Whoever it is, Bravo!! these outfits are fantastical!