Today's post is coming to you from Gina of Tulle & Combat Boots Make sure to check out her blog HERE! Enjoy!
Hello lovely readers of Today I
Want! My name is G (short for Gina) and I blog over at Tulle & Combat Boots. Katie has asked me to do a post on London, which
I am more than happy to do! I have had the privilege of going to London twice,
the first time while I was studying abroad in England and the second for my
21st birthday. It's a really amazing city, with as much beautiful history as it
has interesting modern aspects. And, as you would guess, it is one of the more
fashion-forward cities. You can't walk down any major street (especially the
major shopping streets, such as Oxford Street or Regent Street) without seeing
at least five very put together people who you know right away are very fashion
conscious. To me, the best thing about London street style is how different it
is, because there are so many unique individuals. And this may sound cliche,
but it really is one of the most diverse cities, with people from all over the
world. It's one of the best places to people-watch, that's for sure. Here are a
few of my favorite London street style photos that I found with some help of
the Intarwebs.

Images from Street Peeper.
As you can see, London is one of
those places where you can walk out onto the street wearing your most
outrageous outfit and no one will think twice about it. I think that's one of
the most awesome things about London, especially in the fashion sense.
While I was in London, I opted for
stylish with a side of comfort (it's very much a walking city, and I cannot
walk through a city in heels). Here are a few of my outfit photos from my time

What's your favorite street style
Have a lovely holiday, and thanks
for reading!
And thank you to the lovely Katie, have a great time in Europe!
And thank you to the lovely Katie, have a great time in Europe!
G. / Tulle & Combat Boots
Super big thanks to Gina! Make sure to hop on over to her blog and say Hi!!
Super big thanks to Gina! Make sure to hop on over to her blog and say Hi!!