Wednesday, December 19, 2012

These are a few of my favorite things...

Happy Holidays! As 2012 comes to a close, I wanted to share with you a few of my favorite things...

Third on the 2012 favorite things list is Archipelagos's Elder & Olive Hand Balm. Archipelago says it is "a blend of natural essential oils and extracts including Pure Olive Oil, Orange Blossom, Tea Tree Oil, and Sage Leaf - all of which have the antibacterial, cleansing, or other effects." That's a pretty accurate description, but I would describe it as "super awesome-tastic." No slight on Archipelago, I just have a way with words. ... Anyway, I use it on my hands all the time. It's a great blend, not too greasy, absorbs well, and feels oh so good. Perfect for dry winter hands. You can buy it direct from Archipelago, or if you are local to DC you can pick it up at Home Rule on 14th Street NW

What else do I love? You can check out all of my 2012 favorite things HERE!