Thursday, February 2, 2012

Great minds think alike

So here's the scoop. I went to check out what was new over at ModCloth. I came across the Lemon Amour Dress by Eva Franco. I died. But not dead dead, you know... 

Anyway, I was about to dump this baby in my shopping cart when *ouch* I saw the price. Not that this dress isn't worth that much money, I just don't have that much money. Meh. Anyway, I decided, well if I can't have it, at least I can feature it. So on with my normal routine of styling the dress for the blog. I thought, with a dress as fab-tabulous as this, you can't weigh it down with too many extras, a nude shoe, maybe a ring or some simple earrings, and a bag. So I was looking and looking and looking for a perfect shoe, but every shoe I liked for this gem was out of stock. Boo. So I said "screw it!" and my cat was like, "who the heck are you taking to?" and just went with the pair I liked best, which also went super well with the bag I picked out. 

Okay, backstory finished, now to the point! I noticed while mocking up this outfit that it looks as though the lace does not wrap around to the back (it's a big pet peeve of mine when details just stop dead at the side seams) so hopped over to ModCloth to look at the other pictures. Yes, the lace is on the front only (boo) and Yes, Amy one of the ModStylists (hello dream job!) at ModCloth styled this dress with exactly the same shoes. Great minds think alike! (if I do say so myself)