Sunday, February 19, 2012

this week in photos

This weeks flowers: My regular flowers that I pick up every Monday 
and Valentine's arrangements delivered on Tuesday! So lovely!

And speaking of Valentine's Day, we had reservations at Al Tiramisu, our favorite restaurant! Chef Luigi, always the charmer, even came over to sprinkle rose petals on our table. So romantic.

and so delicious.

Wednesday I got a chance to go out to visit Kristen, and let's be completely honest, to visit her kitties (the adorabilibuddies) too. Here Bella, Peach, and Lil Man all go bananas over their favorite toy.

Lil Man being handsome in the sunshine.

It's always nice to come home to my little fuzzy one though. Here she is cuddling our favorite shoes.

Friday night date night at Roscoes! Mmmmm... Roasted Olives.....

Saturday was jam packed with school work, but I managed to make some time for records and have a little beauty store expedition. Love these temporary hair color bottles!

Once my assignments were finished (sort of...) we got to hangout with some of our besties Michelle and Donnie at our favorite Tex Mex restaurant Mi Rancho (I know I post a Mi Rancho margarita every week, but it's truly one of the highlights!) Also, decided to rock it old school with my spiderweb pendant and onyx star in preparation for Sunday night's "Come as you were" party. Can't wait to share those photos next week!