Thursday, January 12, 2012

Adventures in Parisian Dressing Rooms

While walking down The Champs-Élysées from the Christmas Market to the Arc de Triomphe, dodging consumers and other tourists, with the single mind to "get back to the metro!" out of the corner of my eye I glimpsed a clothing store.... Naf Naf . To me it was like a mix of Forever21's youth and Anthropologie's sophistication with prices falling right in the middle. 

Not so glamorous on me, huh. Maybe I need a mime to complete the look? 
I had an armful of dresses, I had no idea what size I was so I tried lots of different dresses in lots of different sizes. I was really bummed out because everything fit me just kind of, well, weird. This dress for instance, was much too big in the waist, but I could barely get the zipper up once it got to my chest. I was sad. And it was sad. And there were people waiting in line wondering what was the deal with this silly american showing her silly american husband every dress so he could take a picture even though none of them fit....

This dress is OOOOOOORANGE!!!! Kinda kick you in the teeth orange. Its tractor beam pulled me in as soon as I made it up the flight of stairs to the second floor. It may have even pulled me up that fight of stairs, it's debatable, fringe physics and all... I digress... Anyway, beyond the awesome orange-ness of it, it was just another shift dress, and just a smidge too big. 

Side note, Are my knees really that knobby?

Other customers really wanted to try on stuff that they actually might buy (fancy that, buying things you try on?) so I just gave up on all the ill-fitting dresses and relinquished the room. I loathe leaving a store down in the dumps and empty handed so in an effort to recover the experience tried on some coats on the sales floor.

This one was really sweet! I very much liked the pocket detailing and the cinched waist 
(I mean really who doesn't love a cinched waist)

And again, hellooooooooooooo oooooooooorange! 

Feeling much better knowing that at least I can rock a winter coat from Naf Naf, I ended up leaving empty handed. My suitcase was already packed pretty tight, I had no idea how the heck to get home another winter coat....

....But it was definitely hard to resist (you know what I mean, right Jen?)